Musings #2
Another week. It seems at the beginning of a new year, the idea of possibilities and dreams can overwhelm and dibilitate one's hopes. This week I found myself feeling despair and hopelessness often. It seems like God has plans, but I continually feel paralyzed due to despair and hopelessness. I dream of being someone who can stand solidly for the Lord, but my character is weak. My flesh is week. However, the Lord reminded me and was my hope this week. He is the gospel. The gospel is not a one time thing. It is something we need to tell ourselves when the days grow weary and the moments grow cold. The Lord is always new. He is always resurrection life. Jesus, thank you You turn my despair into prayer. Lord, I get hopeless so often but thank you you save me again and again. Some moments from this week: Singing with Philip Going to the children's museum with Eden, Jeremiah, and William Resuming our Bible study Telling Mrs. Rasdell that it was Anne's birthday