Musings on Marriage

By Carol - December 12, 2021

I've been married for nearly 4 months. A mere speck of sand in the vast ocean of all the experiences that marriage brings, but I love my husband and wanted to write about it. I always said that I was someone who didn't care about boys. I wasn't like other girls. Or so I thought. Looking back, I did start thinking about boys from a young age. I observed my dad and how he treated me and my mom. We didn't agree on everything, and had our years of distance and misunderstandings, but ultimately, his love shown through and it imprinted on my heart more than I could ever know. Fast forward to college. I started thinking more carefully about marriage and what it was. Somethings I knew before I got married: 1) Marriage is for the Lord. He deligths in pure love. Just as He loved and gave Himself up for the church, He loves when this is manifested in man. A love that is unfailing and everlasting-not because we are perfect, but because His love is. What I know now: Marriage is not an instituion, but two people who simply care for each other. At the end of our days, my only hope for my husband is that he is presented more beautiful before the Lord. He would be more humble, joyful, and loving towards the Lord. I can pray for him, laugh with him, sacrifice for him, and even help him to grow. It's fun to grow old with someone and help someone to grow. I can't believe sometimes the Lord would grant me this privilege. It's so fun to experience love and help from someone.

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