Sunday Musings: How I came to Treasure the Ordinary

By Carol - December 12, 2021

"Don't rush!" These were words I heard frequently, even daily, most of my life growing up. I was always ready to go on to the next thing before I had properly even enjoyed what was in front of me. My parents often had to tell me to slow down eating my dinner, doing my chores, and even playing with certain toys. It just always seemed I was ready for the next thing before it even began. Even my piano teacher would tell me to stop rushing because I would always be on to the next measure before the last one was done. I don't know at what point exactly in my life I started to realize this kind of life style was unenjoyable, and unsustainable. My heart always seemed to want the next thing because it wasn't satisfied with what was in front of me. I always thought there was more-something more to be done, to explore, to attain to. I rushed through mundane tasks to get to what I thought were more important tasks. How foolish it all seems now. I don't know if it makes me old, or I've just come to realize the mundane things are what makes life beautiful. Scubbing and rinsing the dishes until they are sparkling clean can be laborious, but I treasure this chore now because of how it forces me to slow down. The routine I have after dinner gives me time to think about nothing else except to just reflect on my day. Folding laundry is not my forte. I can never seem to get the sleeves on a t-shirt to line up, and it feel likes magic when other people seemingly hold up the t-shirt and fold it in one fell swoop while I try and end up with a sack of potatoes. Slowing down doesn't mean I'm suddenly a laundry wizard. But it has taught me to enjoy the half hour I have each week to watch a video or two while slowly doing this task that I feel like many busy people scoff at. "It's unimportant", or "I have better things to do," they might say. I know because I used to be one of them, and sometimes I still am. When I am having a particularly busy week, these little tasks are the first ones I think I can let go of, but every time, I realize the small tasks are what keeps me going. Maybe this relates to our relationship with the Lord as well. We can never let go of the small moments we have before Him. We will have big milestones with Him, but they are built by the little stones and pebbles we give him each day. My prayer is that I may never despise the small things. They are really the treasures that one day grow into a mighty mountain.

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